Annual Breakfast Learning Event & Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The FMI Manitoba Chapter is pleased to invite you to: An In-Person Breakfast Learning Event “Ethics Plus More and Annual General Meeting(AGM)”
Click here to view the presentations from this event

Event timeline
- 08:00am-08:30am – Registration, Breakfast and Networking
- 08:30am-08:45am – Introduction and AGM
- 08:45am-09:45am – Ethics / Inclusion – Oriana Vaccarino from KPMG
- 09:45am-11:00am – Economic Update – Province of Manitoba and the City of Manitoba – Michael Apata and Tyler Kroeker
- 11:00am-11:15am – Networking Break
- 11:15am-12:00pm – Update from Downtown BIZ – Kate Fenske
- 12:00pm – Closing Remarks
For more information, please contact:
Registration is closed for this event.

Oriana Vaccarino
Oriana Vaccarino is a Social Psychologist and Methodology Lead for KPMG’s Equity & Belonging Group and a Senior Manager in the People and Change Advisory Practice. She has over 12 years of experience focused on embedding equity, belonging, and human-centered design across processes and decisions. Her experience includes a focus on talent, psychological safety, leadership, mental health and wellbeing, stakeholder engagement, culture shifting, and impact measurement.
Oriana has worked with clients in multiple languages, including English, French, and Spanish. Prior to joining KPMG, Oriana completed her Ph.D. in Applied Social Psychology and her Masters in Science in Mental Health.
Over the course of her time in professional services, Oriana has worked with many organizations across various sectors and globally. Both her research and consulting work focuses on incorporating community voices into decision-making processes (e.g., policies, practices, strategies, programs), people with lived experience whose lives are impacted by these very decision-making processes such as newcomers and those experiencing mental health issues.

Michael Apata
Michael Apata is a Senior Economist with the Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, Department of Finance, Government of Manitoba. He is responsible for the strategic planning
and management of the Manitoba macroeconomic statistics including economic information development and related analytical consulting programs such as the Economic and Tax Revenue Impact Assessment services of government economic development initiatives. Finally, Michael plays a lead role as the liaison with the federal and provincial governments to deal with data quality issues that directly affect the provincial and territorial economic information.

Tyler Kroeker
Tyler Kroeker is a senior economist within the Chief Administrative Office at the City of Winnipeg. Tyler conducts Economic Impacts Analysis, Financial Modeling and Forecasting, Casual Inference, Policy Analysis, and Geospatial Analysis. He communicates these results in papers and presentations on behalf of the City of Winnipeg. He holds a Masters in Economic Policy from McMaster University and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Manitoba.

Kate Fenske
Kate Fenske is the CEO of Downtown Winnipeg BIZ, where she leads the organization’s activities to promote, care and advocate for a vibrant and inclusive downtown where business thrives and people are drawn to work, live, shop and explore.
In 2021, Kate led the development of the Downtown Recovery Strategy, bringing together nearly a dozen organizations to work collaboratively on an innovative and intensive coordinated action and investment plan to kick-start recovery post-pandemic, securing $50 Million in funding.Kate currently serves on the Boards of the International Downtown Association (IDA) and the Downtown Community Safety Partnership (DCSP).

Dennis Neufeld
Program Director for Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA)
Dennis Neufeld is the Program Director for Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA) Manitoba. Building on his 20 years of logistics experience, he started EPRA’s electronics recycling program for Manitoba in 2012 and has managed and improved it in the years since. EPRA Manitoba provides regulatory Compliance for more than 500 Manufacturers and retailers and operates over 100 Collection depots throughout the Province. Dennis is an active contributor in the Province’s solid waste recovery efforts having participated for two years on the Provincial Minister’s Recycling Taskforce. For the past 9 years has led the Stewardship work on the Manitoba Northern, Remote, and First Nations Waste Strategy team.
Constable Harminder Singh
Education and training are the most effective weapons that you can use to combat crime. The Winnipeg Police Service supports our community by proactively promoting public education and awareness on ways to prevent crime.
Presentation by Constable Harminder Singh from the Community Relations Unit of the Winnipeg Police Service.

Constable Harminder Singh
L’éducation et la formation sont les armes les plus efficaces pour lutter contre la criminalité. Le Service de police de Winnipeg soutient notre communauté en promouvant de manière proactive l’éducation et la sensibilisation du public sur les façons de prévenir la criminalité.
Présentation par le constable Harminder Singh de l’Unité des relations communautaires du Service de police de Winnipeg.

Dennis Neufeld
Directeur de programme pour l’Association pour le recyclage des produits électroniques (ARPE)
Dennis Neufeld est le directeur de programme de l’Association pour le recyclage des produits électroniques (ARPE) du Manitoba. Fort de ses 20 ans d’expérience en logistique, il a lancé le programme de recyclage de produits électroniques de l’ARPE pour le Manitoba en 2012, puis l’a géré et amélioré au cours des années qui ont suivi. L’ARPE du Manitoba assure la conformité réglementaire de plus de 500 fabricants et détaillants, en plus de gérer plus de 100 dépôts de collecte dans toute la province. M. Neufeld contribue activement aux efforts de récupération des déchets solides de la province, ayant ainsi participé pendant deux ans au groupe de travail sur le recyclage du ministre provincial. Au cours des neuf dernières années, il a dirigé les travaux sur l’intendance au sein de l’équipe chargée de la stratégie de gestion des déchets dans les régions nordiques et éloignées et les Premières Nations du Manitoba.